Common misconceptions about foot care

Learning more about foot health not only helps us to be more comfortable, but also to maintain our overall health. However, many misinformation circulating about foot care and health can make it difficult for us to follow a correct path in this area.
It is possible to say that this misinformation harms our foot health and in some cases even causes serious problems. In this article, we will examine the most common misconceptions about foot health and care. 

Myth 1: Pedicure is enough for foot care

The desire to make their feet look beautiful and well-groomed causes many people to have pedicures regularly. However, this understanding ignores how complex and sensitive foot health is. Pedicure is often just a superficial care and is often associated with aesthetic concerns. However, medical foot care by a professional podologist fulfils a much more comprehensive and important function than a pedicure.

Myth 2: Foot odour is only caused by lack of hygiene

Foot odour is perceived as a problem caused solely by a lack of hygiene, but this does not cover the whole situation. There are a number of factors that cause foot odour and this may differ in each person. Although it is a common problem, there is no single solution because each individual's situation is different. For example, overactive sweat glands, fungal infections, wrong shoe choices can be shown among the causes of foot odour. Beyond hygiene, understanding foot health and applying appropriate care can protect us from this common but misleading problem. 

Myth 3: Every Shoe is Suitable for Every Foot Type

Shoes are not only a fashion statement but also an important part of our foot health. Unfortunately, many people think that every shoe is suitable for every foot type. We can say that this common misconception has negative effects on foot health. Some people may have flat feet, while others may have high arched feet. If the shoe is not suitable for the shape and structure of the foot, it can cause pain, fatigue and more serious problems in the long term. The choice of shoes, which has a great impact on foot health, is actually a serious matter. Understanding that not every shoe is suitable for every foot type is the first step to prevent pain, injury and increase overall foot health.

Myth 4: Ingrown Nail Can Easily Pass With Home Remedies

Ingrown toenails are a problem that many people face from time to time, and it can be quite painful. Therefore, you may want to get rid of this discomfort as soon as possible. However, this problem, which can be solved at home, actually requires specialised care. 
At home, improper application with nail clippers or other tools can cause further penetration or injury to the nail. This will increase the risk of infection and make the problem more complicated. 

Myth 5: Foot problems only occur in the elderly

Foot health is important in all age groups and individuals of different ages may encounter various foot health problems. During childhood, problems such as flat feet or club feet can occur. Teenagers and adults with an active lifestyle are more prone to foot and ankle problems such as sports injuries. Finally, in the elderly, chronic health problems such as circulatory problems, arthritis or diabetes can directly affect foot health.